Lean on Me!

We have said it before in this blog, you just never know when, where, or how inspiration will strike.  I just hung up the phone after a terrific (and oh too short) conversation with a friend in the industry and boy did it take me back…about 15 years to be exact!...

The Process of Greatness!  (The 3 P’s)

The Process of Greatness!  (The 3 P’s) Hello Cincinnati! Please say hello to  (from left to right) Jordan, Luke, and Kelly One of our Core Values is Pursuit of Greatness. We are always looking to be better and we will never stop, and on the surface that might...

Inspiration & Service

Hello Cincinnati, You really never know when, where, or how inspiration may strike.  It was a picture perfect day as I walked out of the permit office in downtown Hamilton (oh. and before I go on, we just want to give a big THANK YOU to the team at the Butler County...
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