Downspout Trouble!

Happy Monday Cincinnati! We have seen plenty of damage over the years from the improper routing of downspouts.  We have an example here.  The downspouts were run through the top of the deck and turned to run out beyond the deck.  This is fairly common.  Unfortunately,...

We are thankful for our Veterans Vol II!

Hey Cincinnati! We wanted to introduce you to another one of our Veterans on staff. Meet Jarod! Jarod has just recently joined our team and we are beginning to see just how strong he is, and just how deep his commitment is to whatever he does.  We are grateful for his...

We are thankful for our Veterans

Tri-State Homeowners! Hopefully everyone had a terrific Memorial Day weekend as was able to relax a bit.  We hope even more that there was time to reflect in gratefulness for all of our men and women who have served our county in the military.  We have had the rare...

Made Right Here!

Tri-State Homeowners! We are excited about the partnership with our most recent vendor, Florida Tile!  Whenever possible, we try to source American Made products so we are a natural fit!...

You Never Know…

Hey Cincinnati! I just happened to run across this photo today in preparing to write our blogs.  We have had a lot of unique projects over the years, but how many people can say they helped build a roller coaster at Kings Island with crews from around the world?  You...
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