Notch such good work!

Hey Cincinnati!  We are glad you’re back to join us again!  So we are here today with another example of what NOT to do!  Creating a notch in the bottom or “tension” side of a joist is just a bad idea, especially mid span.  We have seen this numerous...

So Many Things!

Hey Cincinnati, happy Friday to Ya! We have recently begun another project for and amazing client of ours and have made a number of discoveries that we thought we might share with you over the next few blogs at least.  We have seen some crazy things happen in the real...

Permits Do Good!

Happy Monday Cincinnati! Even though we are a bit late in getting this information out there (Oh, my how time flies), we thought you might like to know that there are even more benefits to permitting a project.  This photo was taken at the Hamilton County Building...

Pound for Pound!

Hey Cincinnati, I’m guessing you are thinking….WOW, that’s ton of concrete! (that’s a funny concrete joke to us contractor types).  We were just getting started!  The project required 24 piers and each pier required about 16 bags of concrete. ...

The Hole Story

Well Cincinnati, I’m sure you knew this was coming.  What do you do once you discover you have a big structure that is in real need of support?  Well, you start by digging a bunch of really big holes for your piers!...
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